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Let's wrap this shit up...

Yeah, yeah...I know.  I missed 4 posts  I actually missed 5, but The Capillary was nice enough to hack into my blog and post her vision for me.  I freaking loved the "suspicious activity on my account" email!  That was the greatest part!

Here's a wrap up of the A-Z challenge.  I'd write 4 separate posts, but that would just take more time and, quite frankly, I'll probably be wasted by the end of this one.  Go wine!


What I should write in regards to my Commit to be Fit Challenge: Drink water!  It's really good for you and shit.  Hydration, detoxing, blah blah blah.

Jesus could turn water into wine.  I can too!  23L of water and a $60 home made wine making kit, and BOOM!, I am Jesus!!!  Okay, fine, I'm not, but I have a shit tonne of wine and you don't. 




What the shit kind of letter is this anyways.  All my favorite X words are even X words.  Exercise, excuses, execute...err...what?  Told you....wasted. 

Oh, I know!  X is for XXX.  The movie.  Not the porn one...which I haven't actually seen, but we all know it's out there.   I bet The Capillary used this one for her X post. (seems she did, but not the one I was talking about)

Imma talkin' Vin Diesel.  I remember thinking he was so fucking hot.  Then Channing Tatum happened and now there's no hope for any other man.

I guess he's not that bad...

This is still way better!


Yes, yeah, ya, yuh huh, ya man....many ways to agree to a drink!

Remember this:

Ha ha!  That's all I got for Y.....I'm starting to feel the wine.....


Zonk!  Is what I'm going to do!  I survived a month of blogging almost every day.  I survived my first tax season.  I survived it all!  Thank God I gave up my first mission of abstaining from alcohol.  Those 4 days were pure bullshit! 


I'm off to drink copious amounts of alcohol and celebrate April!

I'll write you another story in a few days and let you know how the Commit to be Fit Challenge worked out. 


  1. You always make me laugh. I have dipped out of the blogging scene due to an increase in my work load. I do most of my blogging on my down time at work. I always get really excited to blog and then life happens and I forget. Until one day browsing my favorites I remember I have a blog and log in. I'll be sure to give Max a big kiss from you : ) Hope all is well!

  2. We did it!! HUZZAH!! I totally celebrated with alcohol as well. So glad it's over. Next year I'll be prepared as a mofo!!


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

    1. I think I should start planning my posts NOW! Making it up as a I went was crazy hard by the end.


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