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V is for Vision

Hi, this is The Capillary.

I've hacked this account to bring you the letter V on behalf of the Drunk Runner.

This came about during a conversation earlier today when she told me she went for a "naked run". Naturally, I had a vision of this:

You know, something akin to streaking?

What she meant was simply running with no timer or pace monitor.

Just before I say goodbye, I'd like to point out that by typing in "naked run" into Google search, all you get thousands of pictures of naked runners doing naked miles.

There is no mention of monitors.


The Capillary
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  1. I would have assumed 'Naked Run' meant something akin to streaking too :)

    I'm not a runner. I would like to be, but every time I start a running program I manage to hurt myself somehow. Maybe this year will do the trick. Maybe.

  2. LOL! Oh, my eyes are burning!! (and I'm so resisting the urge to google 'naked run')

  3. OMg. I can only imagine what they look like from the front. Well... Imagine or google.



  4. OMG, why am I just now discovering your hilarious blog? I will definitely be back when the challenge is over. I just dropped by from A to Z to say hello and am delighted that I did.


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