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Let's C if this works.


DAMN IT.  Who's idea was this to change my theme?


 Counting Calories.

Sometimes I count my daily caloric intake and sometimes I don't.  Sometimes I'm a little fat and sometimes I'm a lot.

Counting calories it is.

I've been using My Fitness Pal for about 3 years.  I weigh the same now as when I started.  It's going well.  When I actually use the app, I track everything I eat and stay within my caloric limits and I start seeing weight loss success.   
WHEN I use the app.  

I will be using My Fitness Pal diligently throughout this month to count my calories and stay on track to lose these last 10 pounds. 

Do I still need to abstain if I stay within my calories?


  1. Using a calorie counter was how I started my weight loss journey and it has helped a lot. I still use it on occasion, but I'm not as dedicated as I used to be....

  2. I had no idea such an app existed! I'm going to find it now :)

  3. I used one for a while, but it just made me feel bad. :(

    New follower via the A2Z. (Currently #147)

    1. ^oops! I commented under my other account ;)

      I just stopped by for a visit. I'm now self conscious of my commas.

  4. I try to avoid counting calories. My approach is to either accept the expanding waistline or get out and exercise more.

  5. I used Myfitnesspal for a while, it worked great. The problem is that I'm not too lazy to run, or too lazy to eat right, but I AM too lazy to sit down and figure out the calories for anything that isn't already in their database. I found you on the A to Z challenge, and not related to this post, but WHAT A GREAT NAME FOR A BLOG!

    1. I completely agree with both MFP and my name!! ;)

      A lot of my calories are added as "quick add" calories. Between my nutrition scale and my printed fruit/veggie/meat guides that are taped to the inside of my cupboards, I have a pretty good idea of what I'm consuming. This is probably why I'm always quitting MFP....

  6. I always had trouble adding calories... Some extras always sneaked in. Good luck with your goals. I used to enjoy running when I was younger, but I am a long way from it now. Stopping by on the A-Z


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