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Feel the burn.

B is no longer for beer and I'm sad

I really should have thought this theme through a little bit more.  Words that start with B and are relative to my "commit to fit" challenge aren't the easiest to come by.  I've decided to go with "burn"  because I am already feeling it!!

On Saturday I decided to terrorize exercise my core and upper body after my run.  DOMS set in late on Sunday and after an intense work out tonight, I dread laughing.   

My commit to be fit challenge will include 3-4 strength training sessions per week in addition to my half marathon training program. 

It's time to feel the burn

Can you feel it?


  1. I was laughing by the end of the first sentence. :) Now I'm going to work out and I will chuckle now and again as I join you in the burn...

    1. I hope you're enjoying a nice cold beer for me as well!

  2. I always wish I had the motivation to work out harder at home. However, I am bad at taking it easy on myself. Not that my thighs, butt or upper arms would agree right now, but they could hurt more.

    1. I have this struggle as well. The gym is definitely more motivating! I find having a plan and knowing exactly what I'll be doing for my workout helps for giving it my all at home.

    2. I should really try that, but mostly I just make things up as I watch whatever I PVRed from the day before. lol. The side lunge with weights I think will be a repeat for me. My thighs are now screaming at me.

  3. Oh you're good! I am good at not being motivated. Visiting from A to Z.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'll be sure to visit you!

  4. LOL :)
    Burn is a good word for B!
    Good luck with the workouts and with the Challenge!

  5. I don't want to feel the burn!! But, I know I should. Great theme! I can't wait to read more.
    Peanut Butter and Whine

    1. Thanks for stopping in! I'll be by to visit you :)


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