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The F word.

Well Fuck.  I've apparently Failed at abstaining from alcohol.  I'm just not a good non-alcoholic.  I tried it for awhile.  It's not very Fun.  Kudos to all of you who can handle not drinking.  I'm just not one of you.  

In relation to yesterday's post about doing enough and Finding a lifestyle that is maintainable, I've realized that not drinking just isn't going to work for me.  Enough is enough already....BEER ME!


I distrust camels, and anyone that can go a 
week without a drink - Joe E. Lewis


  1. lol! At the moment I have a small glass of Midnight Moon Cranberry at my side. Yes, moonshine in a mason jar that has whole, real cranberries in the bottle.

    I'm getting my vitamin C, dammit.


    1. I spent a lot of time researching which alcohols are the best for you nutrition wise. You're doing it right. Anything with fruit. ;)

  2. After all how can you be the drunk runner without drinking!!

  3. I used to drink all the time and just lost the desire somewhere. I probably drink a six pack a year now.

    Dropping by from A to Z. It's my first year participating.

    Brett Minor
    Transformed Nonconformist

    1. Thanks for stopping in! I'll be by to visit you :)

  4. I love drinking, but I can just as easily go without. I never drank at all between the ages of 19 and 21.

    But I like drinking.

    1. I'm the same way. I can go without it, I don't need it, but I do LIKE it. I tried to be the non-drinker at the party on the weekend. It kind of sucked. I finally just poured a glass of wine and relaxed :)

  5. Yeah, I'm trying to drink less too because I realised after a Sunday of no alcohol at all that I felt heaps better on Monday!


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