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Letting go.

Some people think it's holding on 

that makes us strong

...sometimes it's letting go.

We hold on to so much that clutters our life and drags us down.  Why?  Because letting go is sometimes the hardest thing to do.

During my A-Z Commit to be Fit Challenge, I've had to focus on letting go of a lot of things.  

I've let go of anger and frustration towards myself for not succeeding with my fitness goals in the past.  I had a very hard time making the decision to let go of my marathon dreams (for now) and, instead, run the half marathon again this year. 

I've let go of friends that were dragging me down.  We all have people in our life that just aren't good for us.  People that influence us to make choices that aren't always in our best interested.  Friends that judge us instead of supporting us.  I've learned to surround myself with people that are good for me.  People that share the same goals or, at least, understand and accept mine.

I've let go of habits that work against my goals. Like Caesars.  Damn it.  I love me some Caesars, BUT the salt, MSG, and copious amounts of empty calories just don't work for this plan.

I've also let go of good beer and am now drinking Molson 67.  



  1. Letting go is the hardest thing to do. I tend to dwell on my shortcomings. I love this post.


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

  2. Letting go is the only way to cast off the avalanche of crap that weighs us down and keeps us anchored where we don't want to be. Good for you for finding ways to free yourself.

  3. I like this post a lot. Sometimes Letting Go can be the best thing for us. Good Job on the post and keep such good ones coming!

  4. Too true, letting go of things can be very hard. I love your honesty. Letting go of friends is difficult but your right that you have to do what is best for you. Enjoy the molson!

  5. This post is so relevant for my life right now. I am too busy hanging on to let go. Good advice here. Thanks.

    Visiting from AtoZ

  6. Surrounding yourself with the people who lift you up instead of bring you down is so important. I'm lucky that while many of my friends don't share my goals, they support me in them. Even when they think I'm crazy (not that I disagree with that assessment)


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