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Kick Ass.

 Day 11, Letter K, and almost 5 pounds gone!  I'm kicking ass at my A-Z Commit to be Fit Challenge!!  

I'm quite certain that the next 5 pounds are going to be quite a bit tougher than the first 5, but I'm willing to do the work.

The weather is finally getting nicer in our parts and I made it out for my first outdoor run this evening.  3 degrees was a little cool and my ears were screaming at me for not wearing a toque, but it felt great to finally get out and run at a natural pace.

My 1/2 marathon is just over 5 weeks away.  My goal is to run a strong race.  I expect a personal best, but I'm not necessarily striving for it.  I really just want to feel good the entire race and kick ass!

Maybe I'll run it in a power ranger costume....


  1. Ciongratulations! Losing weight has always been a tough goal of mine ugh!

    My AtoZ challenge

    1. It quite the challenge for me. I'm not overweight by any means, I just know that I could look SO much better if I did lose a bit. How I FEEL always wins though. Whatever I lose will come back. Why? Cause I'm happiest around 140 when I can eat wings and enjoy good beer!!

  2. I'm glad you have started your weight loss program. Starting is half the battle. I guess my post today about the killer chocolate cheesecake wasn't exactly the thing you needed to see when you're trying to lose weight. That's my only food post on this A to Z.

    I know I could not get out in three degrees either. I can barely go out at forty degrees. I'm a warm weather person.

    I also would never even attempt to run a marathon, so good for you.


  3. Kick ass at the race! Congrats on the first 5.

    Visiting from AtoZ #41

  4. I need someone to kick my ass, and get it in gear before summer. Good going.


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