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Good choices.

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope your week is a good one!

We're on Letter G for the A-Z Challenge, and my commit to be fit post is about making good choices.

Making good choices isn't always easy for me.  Mainly, because I'm usually really drunk and not thinking about what's best for me in the long run.

You're probably thinking that I'm talking about making good diet choices and, of course, I am, but they aren't the only choices that need to be made when choosing to live a fit and healthy lifestyle.  Nutrition and diet choices are, actually, probably the easiest of all them all.

I'm talking about all the other choices.  The choice between going to the gym or going to the movies with my husband.  The choice between jumping on the treadmill at 11pm or just going to bed.  Making these choices can be really tough because there isn't necessarily a bad choice.  While going to the gym is a good fit choice, going to the movies would be great for my relationship with my husband and allow me some time to relax and de-stress.  Running at 11pm would make me feel great about getting my training run in, but the added sleep would also help my body recover and heal from my other workouts.  It all relates back to doing enough.  

Throughout my commit to be fit challenge, I'm taking a lot of time to think about my choices and find a balance that benefits all aspects of my life.  (see the F word)

I sure hope I do it right.


  1. It's hard to find the balance you need to keep yourself healthy. Heck, I'm always struggling with it and often losing.

    1. It's definitely a learning experience! We so easily forget about our mental and emotional health when we are focusing on physical health.

  2. it's fun over here!
    especially like the mae west quote!
    party on thru the challenge!

    1. Thanks so much for the awesome comment! There will be more good times to come :)

  3. LOVE your Post!!! Thanks.
    Happy A to Z!!!

  4. I tried so hard to make good choices today... Until my friends invited me out for margaritas... Damn it.


    Valerie Nunez and the Flying Platypi

    1. Re-read the post Valerie. Margaritas are CLEARLY good choices!!! HA HA!! I love your blog! It means so much to me that you visit mine :D

  5. Hi there, I'm just dropping in from the AtoZ Challenge and letting you know that I've put a link to your blog from my post today

  6. Hi- just stopping in from the A-Z. Maybe following you will help me want to get my fat butt off this chair and run. Or get drunk. Preferably both!

  7. I'm with you on the drinking. My husband says he's too good at drinking to quit. lol

    1. When you're really good at something, you gotta stick with it!

  8. Such a great post! Everything in moderation... when you're too focused on one thing you tend to neglect another. Finding that balance is key. I am pretty sure I'm not there yet... haha!


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