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The Dinosaur Medal

The Dinosaur Medal.

I didn't plan to be drunk last night.  In fact, I was quite adamant that I was going to have ONE caesar with supper and that was it.  Oh, but then the red wine was there intriguing me, begging me to drink it.  I love red wine.  Love it.  Before I knew it we were on to bottle number 4 and I was drunk.  Again.  

But it was so worth it.  

If I were to run this race not hungover, I wouldn't have any entertaining stories to tell.  It would just be another race.  10km was a lot harder than I expected hungover.  I did great up until kilometer 3 and then it all kind of went to hell from there.

I felt fairly not too hungover when the day first started out.  Coffee and conversations with my running partner kept me very optimistic.  After, finally, finding the place that we needed to go to get our race package, our day became amazing.  First, we got to take a shuttle to the race!  I love shuttles.  They make me feel like I'm part of something bigger.  After we arrived, we got to witness the "aerobics class warm up".  Had I known this was happening, I would have brought my gold tights.

People aerobic-ing.

  And then we stumbled across free face painting AND were the first in line.  She was an amazing face painter.  See:

After all that fun stuff, we had to line up and run.  This is how it all went down:

Kilometer 1: Feeling good
Kilometer 2: Feeling really good
Kilometer 3: Starting to think I should have made myself throw up before the race.
Kilometer 4: Definitely should have thrown up before the race.
Kilometer 5: Feeling good again.
Kilometer 6: A cramp.  SERIOUSLY???  
Kilometer 7: Legs feel good, stomach feels good, horrible horrible cramp.
Kilometer 8: Wanting to run, respecting my appendages, treading loose gravel.
Kilometer 9: Hills from hell and gravel.
Kilometer 10: Yeah...we just did that!!

And then there was the Dinosaur Medal!  But not just that, there were free hot dogs and smokies and beef on a bun! 

Great day.  Great Race.  Great Hot Dog.


  1. Well done! I'm always impressed at your capacity to complete tasks hung over as hell.


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