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The Bottle Cap Slushy

I'm rather amazed that my first drink recipe isn't a Caesar.  I can make a mean Caesar.  I guess you'll all just have to wait for that one.

Right now I present one of my best creations yet....

The Bottle Cap Slushy.

Most of you will remember when bars used to have $1 shots.  They were generally an "Electric Popsicle" or a "Bottle Cap".  I loved the Bottle Caps!  After learning how to make them, I stumbled across the required ingredients to make this amazing concoction!!


1/2 can of frozen limeade
2 ounces of Pinnacle Root Beer Vodka
2 ounces of water
approx. 2 cups of crushed ice


If you added too much ice, add another 1/2 to full ounce of the vodka.


And last, but not least, the conversation that occurred during tonight's slushy drink:

My children are driving me crazy.
Kids don't drive mom's drive SOBER mom's crazy!! Have a drink! 
Oh, I did.
A slushy one at that.
I couldn't decided what to drink; it was between a beer and a slushy drink.
Then I realized it was storming.
Storms mean lightning which mean power outages.
I went for the slushy drink just in case it was the last one I could ever make if this was the storm to end power forever.
It wasn't though.
The power never did go out...


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