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Fresh, whole beer.

I choose an odd time to start this blog as I'm currently taking a small break from running.  I am awaiting a surgery in October that will take me off of the road for about 6 weeks.  

Because I don't have any goals to train for right now (and really, what's the fun in working out if it's not for a goal), I'm focusing on my eating habits.

I have been struggling with "dieting" for quite a long time now.  Not that I'm overweight or anything.  Just my "diet"  in general. There are very few people in this world that are 100% happy with their bodies.  I'm not one of them.  I always think I have another 10 pounds to lose, regardless of what my weight is.  Quite often I'll make the decision to " do it" .  I've only ever actually accomplished losing 10 pounds one time.  It was awful.  I was so hungry....

  I don't think it's very healthy for our minds to always be fixated on eating, or not eating, all day, all the time.  Almost all weight loss plans fixate on numbers ... points, caloric intake, fat %, etc.  What happens when we stop thinking about the numbers and start thinking about what we are actually putting into our bodies?

I remember a couple of years ago when I had 3 friends that had joined Weight Watchers.  I didn't feel that I had much weight to lose, but thought that I would follow their eating regimes for support.  At first, I was totally getting the hang of it and found it quite easy to stay within my point range.  It wasn't until I started comparing my food journals with the other girls' that I started to see the problem.  The day I quit even trying to see the point of Weight Watchers was when my points were equal to theirs.  I had 1/2 an avocado, 1 cup of cottage cheese, and grilled salmon.  They ate at McDonald's.  Enough said.

I hate dieting.  I hate numbers.  I hate points.  I hate it all. 

I need to revert my thinking back to making healthy choices and eating fresh, whole foods.  Eat when I'm hungry, don't eat when I'm not.

I wonder which type of beer is a fresh, whole food??  

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