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Run, Run, Run for the hills.....

I've been struggling with this blog for a couple of years now.  I just never know what to write.  I want to write and I want to blog, but I've never had anything that I've felt passionate enough about to write more than one post on (except for my hatred towards most of the human race...but who wants to be that negative all the time?)

I think I've finally found something that I can focus on... RUNNING.

I've been a runner for a few years now.  Sometimes I feel like a super star, and sometimes I feel like a poser.  It comes and and it goes.  Obviously, based on how/if I'm training.  My running resume consists of a 5km race (my first race ever), 2 half marathons, and Mud Hero (6km of pure fun!!!).  Tomorrow I will be running in the Dinosaur 10km.  I'm only doing it for the medal.. There's a dinosaur on it!

My super awesome and inspiring running partner, A, brought up the insane idea of running a full marathon next year (2013).  I thought it was a great idea....for her.  I was out.  Not a chance.  There is just no way I can do it.  But I'm going to do it.  My (hopefully OUR) training program starts on January 13, 2013.  My/our first ever marathon will be on May 26, 2013.  I'm doing this.  It won't be easy, and I guarantee I'll want to give up before I'm even half way through the 18 weeks, but I'm doing it.  And you are too if you would like to follow my blog!  

Obsessing about running, yep.  There's quite a few blogs out there like this.  I'm starting to think that runners use blogging to keep them accountable and keep up their training.  Good idea.  Yes, I'm THAT slow to catch on!!

So for now, wish me luck with the Dinosaurs tomorrow!!  I'll post a pic of my wicked medal next week!

Me and my AMAZING running partner!!  We call ourselves White Lightning and The Brown Streak (yes, I did that to myself...ha!)


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