My husband and I had an interesting conversation the other day while discussing purchasing a new vehicle. I've been wanting this vehicle for quite some time, but the rational, budget side of me says to wait. He, on the other hand, feels that I need it now. I already have a vehicle. It runs and it's not actually that old. He feels that I should get what I "want". He eventually asked me if owning this vehicle would make me happy and I said no. I immediately saw the look of confusion on his face so I added my reasoning; owning this vehicle would make me feel happiness, but it would not make me happy.
I have long outgrown the part of my life where I thought owning material items would make me happy. They don't make me happy, they make me poor. Doing the things I enjoy and not doing the things that I don't enjoy are what make me happy. Having a warm, loving home; cooking the foods that I want to feed my family; enjoying the sun on a beautiful spring day; spending time with friends on a Sunday afternoon; relaxing in the hot tub instead of stressing over cleaning the house, these are the things that make me happy. Knowing that I'm doing the best that I can for mine and my family's health makes me happy. I think our world still revolves to much around buying happiness. It can't be bought, you must create it for yourself. Simplify your life. Eliminate the factors that cause you stress and resentment. It's as simple as that to find your happiness.
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