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The definition of eagre is the sudden rise of tide in a river.  Did you know that?  I did not know that until I hit up Google for an "E" topic that was not "Easter".  This was the first word on the List of unusual words beginning with E, and I was rather entertained that it appealed to me.  Perhaps because I can relate to it.  I relate to the suddenness of the development of emotions.  Most of the time, not good emotions.  Anger, frustration, and hatred can come pouring out of me to what seems extremely random to others around me.  

I have triggers.  Certain things that will completely change my moods: snoring, heavy metal/screaming music, kids fighting, and monotone speaking.  These are the 4 main things that will turn me from "pleasant to be around" to "don't eve f***ing talk to me".  Currently, my husband's snoring is destroying my life.  I wake from a peaceful and pleasant somber to finding myself flailing my arms in search of a weapon to stab his larynx with.  I wrote about this recently in Another Spork Post.  I'm trying to find humor in it.  It's just not funny.  At all.

So I try to find things to turn my moods around.  To settle my eagre, shall we say.  It's the oddest things that will do that.  Most would think wine and tequila helps me, but they're wrong.  It's coffee.  Coffee makes me happy and literally all warm inside.  It's even better when it's in this mug:


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