On my quest to become a part of our new community, I had decided to take up bowling. Yep. Bowling. I have to admit that I was rather nervous to join a league. I wasn't very good (and am still not) and I was worried that I would bring my team's score down. Turns out....nobody cares. Some people care about their personal score, but nobody is there to judge and I've been having a really great time.
My husband and I joined a Scotch Doubles tournament a few weekends back. That's where you both bowl as if you're one player, taking turns throwing each ball in one turn. Well, we sort of sucked...or so we thought, cause we actually came in 4th place and won $80!
Something happened during this tournament though. Something that I will never ever forget and will probably never ever be able to do again. I......got a beer shot!! A beer shot is when you knock the 3 pins down (the two on each side of the headpin/front pin) and then knock the rest down in one turn. It's not easy. But....if you can do it, the bowling alley gives you a free beer! I LOVE FREE BEER!
This is how I did it. Pretty wicked, right?!
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