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What's up,  people?!

Sorry I've been MIA.  Our family finally bit the bullet and sold our house and moved!  You can check out some of the details of that on my new blog: Life Less Crazy.  I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to pull off having two blogs, or if it's really even necessary really, but I figure I'll give it a shot.  I've always been slightly bipolar, so this should at least keep me blogging on one of them, right? Yeah, you're right, probably not.....

So what does this move mean for the The Drunk Runner?  Well, first of all, it means that I'm quite unemployed.  Very unemployed, actually.  I'm enjoying this.  I do absolutely nothing all day long and then act like I'm really tired at night when my husband gets home.  I'm totally kidding.  I do actually do things: lots of organizing, TONNES of yard work, and I mix in doing absolutely nothing when I have the time.  I can't say that I've picked it up with the fitness, yet, but I'll get there.

It's summer now and I need to get some goals in place.  My good friend, Randa over at The Bewitchin' Kitchen, and I have challenged each other to eat clean and abstain from alcohol for 2 weeks starting on Monday, June 9th.  I can do the nutrition part, but the no beer during yard work is going to super suck.  I'll do it though.  Can't pass up a good challenge!  I think she has a post of this either on the above mentioned blog, or on her new blog, The Everyday Domestic.  Check it out.

I'm trying to get myself back onto a running routine....or running in general.  I love it when I do it, but holy hell does it ever take a shit tonne of effort just to put my running shoes on.  Meh....I'll get there.  I'm thinking I need to find myself a half to run in late September.  Perhaps paying for a race will motivate me to train for it.

Keep in touch drunk running buddies!  I'll be back soon.


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