I can think of many 'e' words that are relevant to my commit to be fit theme for this A-Z Challenge: energy, exertion, educate, excel...the list could go on and on. I finally settled on the word 'enough'. Christmas of 2010 I was at the lowest weight I had ever been. I remember being very happy and very, very hungry. I was over-exercising and under-eating. The weight didn't stay off because it wasn't a lifestyle that I could keep up with. By summer 2011, the weight was back on. In my commitment to be fit and my quest to lose the last 10 pounds, I will be doing enough. I will exercise enough and I will eat enough. I will change my body and change my life in a healthy, and maintainable way. When I run, I will run fast enough. When I lift, I will lift heavy enough. When I stretch, I will stretch far enough. I will, simply, do enough.
It's good to see that Rhett can keep up with you :)