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Week 2 Day 2

Last night I completed my second "Monday" workout.  It wasn't nearly as difficult as I found it last week and I believe there are a few reasons for that:

1) I did not run 3 miles before I attempted the routine (introducing my inner over achiever)
2) I now have adequate nutrition (Dear God, let's hope as I'm eating 1600 calories a day)
3) Maybe, just maybe, I'm a little bit stronger after only one week of being back in the gym (No?  Shut up, yes I am)

So after nailing my working out and staying very on track (other than the 2 bottles of wine Big G and I consumed on Saturday night), I decided that today would be a good day to step on the scale and see if I've lost any weight.  Err......hmmmm.....starting weight was 143 and after a week and half of the new nutrition and exercise plan, my weight is now's not working.

Or is it?  

I feel better.  I have more energy.  I can't grab as much of my love handles as I could last month.  I feel like my fat is less jiggly and that I might be retaining some type of tone to my muscles, so I did some research and came across this article by Chalene Johnson.  My friend Randa from The Betwitchin' Kitchen idolizes Chalene Johnson and I have to agree that this girl knows her shit, so I completely trust this article.  The basics of the article is that my body needs time to adjust to my new fitness regime.  My muscles are screaming in terror at what I'm doing to them and are therefore retaining fluid to help repair themselves.  I quite respect my muscles, so I will allow them to do this.  The water that they are retaining is what is causing this "weight gain".  My check-ins with my trainer are on the 12th and 26th of this month.  I'm going to try to stay off of the scale until then so I don't psych myself out to much!

PS.  Check out my new bad-ass signature!

post signature


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