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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my drunk runner friends!  I hope you all had a safe and happy night last night.  Big G and I kept it low key around here; we weren't really feeling the big hoop-la of it all.  Nonetheless, we had a great time playing some games with friends and then finished the night off to sounds of fireworks (sounds, as we weren't exactly sure where the fireworks were coming from) in our glorious hot tub!

So, as always, it's resolution time.  January first could be defined as the biggest Monday of the year: time to start with new goals, and purge the bad habits.  My goals aren't all that new.  Same goals, different strategy.

I had a life goal to be in the best shape of my life for my 30th birthday.  That goal was not all....not even close.  I accidentally forgot to try......

So I developed a new goal to be in the best shape of my life for my 30s and I'm on my way.  When say "on my way", what I really mean is that I'm on Day 6, but hey, it's a start, right?!

I bought myself a Christmas gift this year: a personal trainer.  This gal has worked wonders with her clients and I'm eager to see what she can do with my old, flabby self!  I can't give you much for details yet, as I'm not really sure what our disclosure agreement is, but once I figure that out, I'll keep all (3) of my readers in the loop with how it's going! 

Let's just hope that this doesn't happen again:


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