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I feel fat and out of shape

It's time to get it together!  I took an almost two week hiatus from running due to having the flu and then a terrible cold.  I'm still not 100%, but I'm good enough to get back into it. 

I was supposed to do my 9 mile run yesterday, but I was far too hungover wasn't quite feeling it, so I opted to postpone it until Sunday.  This run was hard.  Mainly because it was my first run getting back into it.

My 9 miles today took me just over 95 minutes.  Not too bad.  I felt that I walked a lot of it, but I suppose I didn't really if I completed it only 5 minutes longer than my goal time.  My goal is to run steady 10 minute miles for race day.  I haven't decided yet if I feel that this goal is attainable or not. 

Next week my miles really get into the double digits.  14 miles on Saturday.  This will be the longest run that I have ever done.  Ever.  I need a plan for it.  I'm bored out of my mind with my treadmill and my music and everything else that is in my home gym.  Unfortunately, in our small town, hogging a treadmill at the community gym for over 2 hours is completely unacceptable and, in all honesty, I don't really want to run there anyways.  My options will be my own treadmill or outside.  And right now my backyard looks like this:

I'm sure you can imagine what the trails and streets are like.

I'm going to move where my treadmill is and perhaps find a movie that I have never seen to watch during these 14 miles.  

Please, if you have any suggestions on how to make this less dreadful, comment below and help me out!!


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