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Mind, you are an alcoholic.

Week 1 is done and therefore I should have reached all my goals, right?

Well I feel like I should have.  Week 1 was good.  Week 1 was fairly easy.  I ate right, I trained right, and therefore I should have lost the 12 pounds that I want to lose and should be good to go for this marathon in May!  

Ha!  If only is was that easy. 

Now I'm on Week 2 and my mind is already slipping back into it's old ways...... 'Sure you can eat a chocolate bar every day, you're running 18 miles this week'........'Of course you can have a few glasses of red wine while you cook supper.  You won't be able to run until at least 8 anyways'......'You might as well get drunk after your run.  You've burned off all the calories already'

GO AWAY MIND!  You are wrong.  And an alcoholic  You are a wrong alcoholic.

I have to go and get my little 3 miler in before my mind takes over and I end up a slobbering mess trying to find the auto-pilot button on the treadmill.

I should probably get a breath-a-lizer for my treadmill.


  1. I'm going to have to bunk with you so we can give each other shit "Put that F*cking box of crackers away". I can hear it now.

    1. I'll just have to start stalking your MFP and yelling at you that way.


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