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The SnowFlake Necklace.

Yet again my blog has been left unattended to for days and days and days.....

I have nothing to write that is running or drinking related.  I do have a funny story to share though!!

Background story: 
The first year that my husband and I were together, he bought me a heart locket for Christmas.

The second year that my husband I were together, he bought me a heart locket for Christmas.

The third year......get it???  Okay....

So THIS year (year 12), our local jewellery store places their annual flyer on our door.  In it I find a snowflake necklace that I LOVE!!!

I bring the flyer to the dining room table and show my 2 boys, 5 and 7, and my husband my deepest Christmas desires.

I then explain, kindly, to my children that mommy doesn't really like hearts and to keep that in mind for future presents.  Stars, diamonds, and, especially, snowflakes are great though!!

We finish our supper and proceed with our evening plans of grocery shopping.

After we're done at the store, we drive around to look at Christmas lights.  I felt this was the perfect time to question whether or not my family understand my Christmas needs for this year.  

This is the conversation:

Me:  Hey guys, do you remember what Mommy wants for Christmas?

Reid (7): A snowflake necklace.
George ( the husband): A heart locket......right Heath???
Heath (5): ................Shut yer face, Dad.
Best night ever.


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