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Guess what I won??

Guess what I won?  Guess what I won?

It's a Margaritaville!!!

Yes I did!

My girlfriends and I went out to our local Festival of Light's Dessert First Night this week.  It was horrible.  Boring as hell.  I felt terrible for the first timers that have never gone before (like me) and weren't with anyone that had ever gone before (luckily I was).  There wasn't a host/MC, no instruction as to how the night was to go (other than the admission table telling you what table you were at), they didn't even play Christmas music.  What total waste of $20.  The ticket didn't even get you a free had to pay extra for that.  Total crap.  

Just when I though the night was a total bust.  It happened.  My name was called for the only item I paid to enter my name into.  My single, lonely, accordion folded ticket was pulled out and I won a MARGARITAVILLE!! 

It was probably one of the best nights of my life.

It's gonna be a drunk, drunk running season.


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