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I am the worst blogger ever, but I now have a flat stomach...

I'm still very bad at blogging.  Life gets away on that I'm actually living a life and not spending all of my time on the internet.  Here's what's happening now:

  • I'm NOT running
  • I am almost 2 weeks post op 
  • I'm unsure of how I feel about my decision to have this surgery
  • I really want to get back in the gym.

On October 31st while all of the other moms were handing out candy and taking their cute little monsters door to door to trick or treat, I was laying in a hospital bed waking up from a Panniculectomy.  What is that, you ask?  It's, essentially, a budget tummy tuck.  I had all of the loose skin that was hanging off of my stomach after having children and losing 60 pounds removed.  The skin is gone, my staples are out, and the stitches come out tomorrow.  I'm trying not to form an opinion on the result quite yet.  It's still fairly early in the game and I can't tell the difference between swelling and fat.  I'm not comfortable with the placement of my belly button.  It feels awfully high, but it doesn't look all that high.  I guess it's just the change....

My goals post-op are:

  • eat healthy and continue to maintain/lose weight
  • increase my daily activities until I'm not dead tired by 8:00pm
  • get back in the gym to tone and get my running groove back
  • run 8 miles by New Years
  • start training for the full marathon in May AND train hard for a 1/2 in March with my new running friend!  

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