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And now she's fat...

One of my facebook friends posting a hilarious picture of mens knitted elephant underwear.  It had ears and the trunk and all.  I added a picture below to help with your lacking imaginations.  Anyways, the person she shared it from had the same last name as someone that I went to elementary school with.  This led to me facestalking my Grade 3 class.  I remember the bitch of the class: RH.  Man, did I hate her.  She was a bully and mean and horrible and, of course, I wanted to be her friend.  She made my life hell.  And now she's fat.  That's all I have to say about that.

Really fat...just in case you were wondering how fat "fat" is. 

Today's reason to become an alcoholic is:
Fat elephants and available caesars.


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