This cat is damn lucky she's so cute. After listening to her meow all evening, I, naturally, turned to the red wine. A bottle later, she was much more tolerable! I'm going to assume that she cried for most of the night. Thankfully, my wine induced sleep prevented me from hearing her.
It's only night's only night 3......
With most everything in the world, there is always an upside to things. The super-cute-annoying-kitten-meow is at least helping me get my butt out of bed in the morning and hit the treadmill! I'm not exactly sure how far or long I went today. I do recall the miles being over 3.5 and the time being somewhere in the low 30s when my headphone cord pulled the safety out of the treadmill. I took that as sign to end the run. It was a good run, but I am mighty sore. I'm glad that I could start back at this now and get my muscles working again before marathon training commences in January!!
I'm going keep track of my miles to see how many I put in between surgery and the marathon.
Today's Miles: 3.5
Monday's Miles: 3
Total accumulated: 6.5
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