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In pain and with kitten.

I was 5 weeks and 5 days post-op when I felt that I could run again!  I wanted to run sooner, but complications with my recovery prevented me from doing so.  

I hurt.  No, I really effing hurt.

It's been 6 weeks since my last run and my thighs and core are acting like they've never seen a treadmill before.  Maybe I pushed myself a little.  Maybe.  Ok, I did.  I ran full pace for 30 minutes and only stopped because I had to get ready for work.  Thankfully.  I fear I would have ran a 1/2 marathon before I stopped and then I wouldn't even be able to walk to the computer to type this post for you to read.  My inner thighs are so tender that I don't even want to cross my legs, and my core threatens to tear apart every time I cough or laugh.  I definitely did not expect this.

I am intending on running again tomorrow morning.  Going for 40 minutes this time!  Maybe...

There's one other complication.

I decided to get a kitten.  A really cute kitten that totally supports (and shares) my drunken tendancies.


The only problem is that the the kitten meows ALL the time.  All day and all night.  I love her and I know that this will stop, but her current 'meowy meowy' is not doing any wonders for my sleep.  (And, yes, I've tried talking to her in an Italian accent.)  She finally settled around 3:30 this morning which made the 5:45am wake up for my run call completely unwelcome.  I shut off the alarm and slept until 7:15 which meant that I went to work unshowered.  I did not care.

My hopes for tomorrow are to run for 45 minutes while listening to my newly downloaded Slacker Radio!

Seriously, though, isn't she cute??!!

 Currently known as "Penelope".


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