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It feels like it has been FOREVER since I have written a blog post.....and it has.  Sorry to all of you 28 subscribers.  I've let you down.  What has my life been like lately?  Work.  That's right.  Just work.  Way way way too much work!  But no more of that.  I'm back to working my 2 days a week that I had been hired for and life is starting to feel slightly more normal (in that I have way more time to come up with excuses of why I can't work out and have to watch Netflix instead).

We got a new puppy!  His name is Duke and he is super sweet and wonderful!  We've had him for just over a month and he's grown a little in that time.  If you don't know dog breeds, Duke is a Great Dane.  He spends the majority of his day sleeping on our couch and stealing my shoes.  I appreciate his lazy lifestyle.  It's been fitting in well with mine.  We try to go for frequent walks.  I have to bribe him with treats to get him to the "outside" where is it is very scary and cold.  I'm quite sure he consumes more calories than he burns off.  I'm going to bombard you with pictures of his cuteness now!

The first day we met Duke.

Claiming his spot on the couch.

Learning how to "lay down".

Mastered "sit"!

Our other exciting news is that we bought a cabin in the summer!  And we love, love, LOVE it!  We spent every night possible out there this summer.  It's a perfect home away from home!  It's in a very quiet area and is only a 5 minute walk to the beach!  I'm going to bombard you with pictures of our cabin now!

 Welcome to Casa DeVries!

The beach with it's AWESOME sand!


The back yard and the fire pit 
that never had the chance to get cold.

Maiden Voyage!

As you can see, there's been a very good reason why I've been MIA this time.  I can't promise that I'll be back on to post regularly, but you might see me here a little more often now that things have settled down!


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