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My birthday is November 22.  I'm a Cusp; both a Scorpio and a Sagittarius.  Throughout my entire life, I always associated myself with Scorpio.  I'm not one to follow astrology.  In fact, I rarely look at it, but more recently when I have looked at my horoscope as a Scorpio, I sometimes can't see myself relating to it at all.  

A little while ago, as a result of Pinterest and others pinning posts of their sign, I took it upon myself to explore Sagittarius, my other sign.  I have to say, I was intrigued at how relative the horoscopes and traits were to my current life..  I've never researched what exactly it means to be a cusp, but I'm wondering if it's possible that it means that you will change who you are throughout the course of your life.  I've always felt that I'm changing, that I'm becoming a different person, that I've never truly reached my potential.  That, or I've been forcing myself to try to be a person that I was never meant to be.

Upon the little research that I have done, I have found out that my husband is also a Cusp.  When I read about the traits of a Capricorn, I grew a whole new appreciation for him.  

Like I said, I'm not an astrology nut, but I do wonder if it does play a significant role in who we are as people.  Perhaps with enough knowledge on which signs the people that we are close to are, we can appreciate and accept each other a little bit more....

Now it all makes perfect sence! NEPTUNE in SCORPIO; VENUS & MARS in CANCER in the 8th HOUSE OF SCORPIO. Yup thats me
Scorpio truth.

haters prefer to describe them as mood swings... but that's cool... just goes to show they never REALLY knew me :)
Sagittarius truth.

Scorpio / Sagittarius cusp sign
Cusp Truth.


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