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Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear....

Today is a very special day to me: I'm 30.  I feel like a grown-up and apparently there's a club to join!  

So far, I've had an amazing day!  My super great friend, C, came over last night to help me celebrate the last day of my 20s.  We were talking about how down we seem to get on our birthdays and how there is always disappointment.  She told me to expect absolutely nothing and plan for a crappy day.  What a great idea!  I expected nothing and have received breakfast at work, flowers from the most beautiful person in the world, and lunch with friends.  It's been amazing!  I've been smiling all day!

Some people make lists of things to accomplish before they are 30.  My one friend had challenged herself to complete RAKs (Random Acts of Kindness)...I think that was for her 31st.  I decided to make a simple list of 30 things I've learned in the past 30 years.  When I thought of the idea, I expected it to be funny and interesting facts and tips, but the truth is that I don't actually know any facts or information that you haven't already found on google. So it ended up being a little bit different than I initially thought...

30 things I’ve learned in the past 30 years

  1. Surround yourself with people that make you smile.
  2. You CAN choose your own family.
  3. You don’t need to “remove people from your life”, unfriend on Facebook (Lord knows I’ve done enough of that), or close off communication to people that have done you wrong.  Those that are meant to be a part of your life will be, and those that aren’t will eventually drift away on their own.
  4. Time heals MOST things, but not everything.
  5. How a person makes you feel in a situation is more memorable than the situation itself.
  6. Everybody has a story.
  7. Having a story doesn’t give you the right to be ignorant to others
  8. Let go of grudges.  They only make you sour.
  9. Take the time to notice and appreciate the little things.
  10. Let others know how much you appreciate what they do (especially the ones with crappy outside wintertime jobs).
  11. Removing a temporary tattoo with an oxi pad is not a good idea.  Especially when it’s on your face.
  12. Some people are simply crazy and you will never understand them.
  13. It’s ok to cry.
  14. Everything works out eventually.  There is always a silver lining.
  15. Put your happiness first.
  16. Think about how your actions make others feel.
  17. Take time to prioritize the things in your life to avoid being overwhelmed.
  18. A clean house is not as important as a happy family.
  19. You can (and should) pay someone to do the cleaning.  It’s SO worth it.
  20. Always be yourself.
  21. It’s ok to call people out on their bullshit
  22. The family you LIVE with are the most important people in your life
  23. Stand up for what is right even it makes you uncomfortable.
  24. Support your friends, even if they’re wrong.  You don’t have to agree with them, but you do need to be there for them.
  25. If you have to work at keeping a friendship, it’s probably not worth it.
  26. Quality is better than quantity.
  27. #26 is not applicable to tequila
  28. Love yourself and love your body. 
  29. Sometimes just showing up is enough.
  30. If you don’t know what to do, do nothing.


  1. Great list! And you know, happy birthday.

  2. i'm doing my best to work on prioritizing. It's not always going too well.


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