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Moving on.

I had intended on giving myself a one week break from blogging after the A-Z Challenge.  Apparently, I have absolutely no concept of time.  Hope everyone had a good May!

You're probably wondering how the race went.  I'm kind of wondering too.  I was drunk as shit and passed out around kilometer 9 and then woke up at Arby's.....

I'm totally kidding.  I actually didn't run it.

 I contracted some sort of awful death virus and suffered with a fever of 103 for 10 days and am still currently hacking up my lungs.

All excuses aside though, the truth is that I really actually didn't want to run it.  The death virus was a blessing.  I felt untrained and completely off my game.  I had started this running season with a full marathon goal.  As soon as I realized that training for a full was not working well for my family and marriage, I basically quit.  I was busy enough with both boys in Lacrosse and Baseball, and treading my way through my first tax season at work.

Moving on!

I'm now seriously considering running the half in Edmonton on August 25th.  I'd like to train hard and earn a PR.  Death virus is proving to be on it's way out of my body, so my training shall commence next week.  

While I was on a running break, I did find some rather miraculous drink recipes!

Check back on Friday for a Pink Lemonade recipe that will blow your mind!

Images are not mine and are found through Google Images.


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